Time flies…

August is almost over! It’s hard to believe September is just around the corner and we are already preparing the farm for the off-season. It is also hard to believe this is the end of our third cheese season. I remember, not so long ago, when I was pregnant with June and dreaming about what a creamery on the farm would look like. Time flies…..

We are winding down a tad early this season for a couple of reasons–we’d like to start lambing earlier next year (which means breeding the sheep earlier) and June will be starting online Kindergarten on the farm NEXT WEEK (cue the sentimental Mom sobs;)). Wish us luck! So, keep an eye out for our cheese for the next month or so–it will be available through September, more or less, and then you will have to wait until next spring when the milk starts flowing again.

Despite how difficult this year has been in many respects, we have had a good season. We are still working on our set-up and learning a lot, but this cheese season felt a little easier in some ways. Our routines make more sense and we feel more confident in how to get everything done. We have had some great feedback on our cheese and are excited to see it in new places around Puget Sound, like The Whale Wins and Keenan’s On The Pier. It is so fun to see people using it in their summer menus and meals and in case you were wondering, we eat A LOT of cheese in our house!

For our last CSA day we had a self-guided tour of the farm and let people take away a beautiful picnic platter made by Old World Deli in Bellingham featuring our cheese as well as some tasty Lost Giants Cider. We had originally planned a big in-person shindig, but this worked out well. We are so sad to be at the end of CSA season, but plans are already underway for 2021! Sign-up will start in October so stay tuned for more information. Newsletter sign-up is on our website.

It has been non-stop (ie no days off) since lambing started in March. This has also strangely coincided with the beginning of our quarantine. It is a privilege to do this work and we appreciate all the help we received this year (more on that later) and the new families and customers we were able to connect with this summer. Like many of you we are taking it day-by-day and staying home to stay safe. The usual late-August fatigue is creeping in, but we are also immensely grateful for this farm and our sheep and cheese-loving community.

Take care friends, much love!